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Department of Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy is a profession concerned with promoting health and wellbeing through occupation.

It emphasizes on the physical, psychological, social, attitudinal wellbeing of the particular individual by encouraging the person to use different enabling activities and different assistive devices.

The Department of Occupational Therapy at Chakradhara Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences is well equipped with specially designed equipments as well as a good playing environment for the children with Autism, Cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome, Mental Retardation, Erb’s palsy etc. This unit with the Qualified Occupational Therapist works collaboratively with the parents of disable children and give the children a better therapeutic platform which in turn results to improve the child’s condition by neuropsychological integration

So this institution gives a complete rehabilitative sensory integration therapy for the needy children with sensory dysfunction.

Services Available
Sensory Integration Therapy
Developmental Therapy
Hand Therapy
Splints and Assistive devices
ADL training
Evaluation and management of Functional deficities.

A specialised residential therapy unit is running under the same roof of Chakradhara Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences for the neglected differently able (gifted) children of Cerebral Palsy and Mental Retardation with both day care and complete residential facility.

It has been observed from the survey that most of the parents of differently able children are leading a life with extreme frustration and depression. At the same time some parents of these differently able children are not able to cope of with the on going life situations of this modern era. There is shortage of time with the parents as well as with the family members of these gifted children.

So keeping in mind the sufferings of the parents and family members of the gifted children we the experts here at CIRS has developed the complete residential rehabilitative unit for the children with different ability. This provides the children a total Homely and therapeutic environment as well as homely care to support the children’s ability, to develop the impaired ability and give them a better life. In turn it provides freedom to the willing parents.

As a whole we assure the child’s safety, proper care, better care and maximal freedom to the parentss

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